Nanjing Jiangning Shuntai Precision Machinery Factory
Ball Screw

Ball Screw

  • The difference between using ball screw and ordinary screw in linear module
    Aug 26, 2024
    1. The transmission efficiency is different. The transmission efficiency of the ball screw is as high as 90~96%, while the transmission efficiency of the ordinary screw is about 26~46%. That is to say, under the same size of complexity, the ball screw can use a smaller driving power, which can effectively reduce production costs, reduce losses, and increase more benefits for the enterprise. 2. The transmission speed is different. The ball screw is rolling friction, and the ordinary screw is sliding friction. When the transmission is running, the temperature rise of the former is much lower than that of the latter. The ball screw can undertake high-speed transmission tasks. 3. The precision is different. The friction coefficient of the ball screw can be 0, but the ordinary screw directly increases the force at both ends of the sample through linear motion, so it has a certain sliding friction coefficient. Compared with the ball screw, the precision and efficiency are relatively low. 4. The service life is different. The surface friction of the ball rolling friction is small. Under the premise of reasonable operation of various cleaning and maintenance, the service life of the ball screw is longer than that of the ordinary screw. 5. Difference in self-locking property. Ball screws have almost no self-locking property and have reversibility of transmission; while ordinary screws have self-locking property. 6. Difference in economic efficiency. Ball screws are more complicated than ordinary screws, but they are also better, so the price of ball screws is a little higher than that of ordinary screws. In general, ball screws and ordinary screws have their own advantages and disadvantages, but ball screws are better than ordinary screws in terms of transmission efficiency, transmission speed, accuracy, load, life, etc., so they are more suitable for use in linear slide modules.
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  • Ball screw maintenance and care methods
    Aug 15, 2024
    As a kind of precision transmission element, the ball screw bears a large load during the working process. It is widely used in automation equipment, such as industrial robots, automatic loaders, laser processing machines, handling devices, ATC devices of machining centers, etc. It is most suitable for use in combined devices of rotational motion and linear motion. In order to ensure its normal operation and extend its service life, maintenance and care are essential. Today we will briefly understand the maintenance and care methods of ball screws. 1. Clean regularly. During use, the ball screw may accumulate foreign matter such as dust and sand. These foreign matter will not only affect its normal operation, but also cause wear. Therefore, foreign matter inside the spline should be cleaned regularly with tools such as vacuum cleaners or air guns to ensure that its internal cleaning is unobstructed. 2. Lubrication. Select appropriate grease or lubricating oil and lubricate the ball screw regularly to reduce friction resistance, reduce wear and extend service life. At the same time, lubrication can also play a role in cooling and noise reduction, and improve the overall performance of the mechanical system. 3. Regularly check whether the bearing is damaged or severely worn. If there is any problem, it should be replaced in time; check whether the key teeth are deformed or damaged, and adjust or replace them if necessary; check whether the ball screw shaft end is bent or damaged, and repair or replace it if necessary. The ball screw threads also needs to be checked for foreign matter stuck inside. In addition, it should be ensured that all components are firmly installed without looseness to maintain the stability of the equipment. 4. Anti-corrosion treatment, when stored and idle, it should be avoided from being exposed to high humidity and strong acid and alkali environments. At the same time, regular maintenance and anti-corrosion treatment of the ball screw can extend its service life. The maintenance and maintenance of the ball screw must be carried out strictly in accordance with the machine manual and relevant maintenance requirements. It cannot be carried out blindly to avoid unnecessary damage to the ball screw. At the same time, maintenance and maintenance records should be kept to facilitate tracking and troubleshooting. In order to ensure production efficiency and product quality, it is crucial to master maintenance methods.
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  • How much weight can a ball screw hold?
    Aug 02, 2024
    The load capacity of a ball screw depends on several factors, including the size, shape, material, and design and manufacturing quality of the ball screw. Generally, the load capacity of a ball screw is given in the technical specifications and parameter tables provided by the manufacturer. These specification tables usually list the rated load capacity, maximum load capacity, rated speed, and rated service life of the ball screw. The rated load capacity refers to the recommended load of the ball screw under the design calibration conditions, while the maximum load capacity refers to the maximum load that the ball screw can withstand, but may reduce the life of the ball screw or cause other side effects. The load capacity of a ball screw is also affected by the operating environment and usage conditions. For example, the load capacity of a ball screw may be reduced in a high temperature environment. Therefore, when selecting and using a ball screw, factors such as load type, direction, speed, acceleration, and operating temperature need to be considered. In summary, to determine the load capacity of a ball screw, it is best to refer to the specification table provided by the manufacturer and ensure that it is selected and used according to the actual application conditions.
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  • How to measure ball screw size?
    Jul 25, 2024
    How to measure the screw of THK ball screw purchased from the merchant: To measure the size of a ball screw, the following steps are usually required: 1. Prepare measuring tools: You need to use some measuring tools, such as micrometers, calipers, external diameter micrometers, etc. Make sure these measuring tools are accurate and reliable, and calibrate them before use. 2. Choose an appropriate measuring position: According to the size you are concerned about, choose an appropriate position to measure. Generally, measuring the diameter and pitch of the ball screw is the most common. 3. Measure the diameter of the ball screw: Use a micrometer or external diameter micrometer to measure its diameter along the axis of the ball screw. Make sure the ruler is perpendicular to the surface of the ball screw and gently rotate the ruler to obtain accurate measurement results. 4. Measure the pitch of the ball screw: The pitch refers to the distance between adjacent threads on the helix of the ball screw. The pitch of the ball screw can be measured using a caliper or a dedicated pitch measuring tool. Place the caliper between two adjacent threads and make sure that the contact points of the two legs of the caliper are on the high points of the adjacent threads. Then, read the measurement result on the caliper to get the pitch value. 5. Record and verify the measurement results: Record the measurement results and compare them with the specifications of the ball screw. If necessary, you can make multiple measurements to ensure the accuracy of the results. It is important to note that when measuring the ball screw size, you should try to avoid applying excessive force to it to avoid damaging the ball screw. If you are unsure or have difficulty with the measurement method, it is recommended to consult a professional mechanical engineer or use specialized measuring equipment to ensure accuracy.
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  • Four preload methods for ball screws
    Jul 19, 2024
    The ball screw is a high-precision transmission element. The rolling screw is used instead of the sliding screw, and the sliding friction is converted into rolling friction. Therefore, it has the advantages of low wear, high transmission efficiency, stable transmission, long life, high precision, and high temperature rise. The ball screw has low friction, which is convenient for eliminating transmission gaps and other outstanding advantages. It brings great benefits to the performance improvement of the motor integration system. However, the ball screw cannot be self-locking, and a locking device is required when used for lifting transmission. Pre-tightening is to prevent the ball from slipping. The self-locking property of the ball screw is poor, or even non-existent, and it is easy to fall off without pre-tightening. However, not all ball screws are pre-tightened. It mainly depends on the accuracy requirements. Generally, the pre-tightening has high accuracy and large load capacity. There are four commonly used pre-tightening methods for ball screws. Let's take a look! 1. Double nut gasket pre-tightening, add a gasket between the double nuts, and the manufacturer can adjust the pre-tightening force in advance according to the user's request. It is very convenient to use and load and unload. 2. Double nut threaded pretightening uses the external thread on one nut to adjust the relative axial position of the two nuts through the round nut to achieve pretightening. 3. Double nut tooth difference pretightening, gears with a tooth number difference of 1 are cut out on the flanges of the two nuts respectively, and the two gears are meshed with the corresponding inner gear rings at both ends, and the inner gear rings are fastened to the nut seat with screws. By rotating and changing one of the nuts, the relative position of the two nuts is changed to adjust the gap and apply pretightening force. 4. Single nut variable lead self-pretightening, the internal thread raceway of the nut produces a lead mutation on the middle circle, so that the balls on the left and right ends are axially dislocated after installation to achieve pretightening. In general, the nut gasket pretightening method is simple and reliable, has good rigidity, is the most widely used, and is also more popular.
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  • How reliable is ball screw?
    Jul 09, 2024
    Ball screws are generally considered to be highly reliable mechanical components, offering several advantages other types of screws and linear systems. Here are some key factors that contribute to the reliability of ball screws: 1. Efficiency: Ball screws have a low coefficient of friction, resulting in high mechanical efficiency. This reduces wear and heat generation, leading to improved reliability and extended operational life. 2. Load-bearing capacity: Ball screws can handle high loads and provide precise linear motion. They are designed to support heavy loads without significant deflection or backlash, ensuring reliable performance even under demanding conditions. 3. Precision: Ball screws offer excellent positioning accuracy and repeatability. The use of precision balls and carefully machined raceways allows for smooth and precise linear motion, making them suitable for applications that require accurate positioning. 4. Backlash elimination: Backlash, the clearance between the screw and the nut, can affect the accuracy and reliability of linear motion systems. Ball screws have minimal backlash or can be designed with backlash elimination systems, improving system reliability and reducing positional errors. 5. Longevity: Ball screws are constructed using durable materials, such as hardened steel and precision-ground components, to resist wear and maintain performance over an extended period. Proper lubrication and regular maintenance further enhance their longevity. 6. Environmental resistance: Ball screws can be designed to withstand various environmental conditions, such as dust, dirt, moisture, and certain corrosive substances. Protective covers and seals can be added to prevent ingress of contaminants, ensuring reliable operation in diverse environments. While ball screws offer many benefits, it is important to note that their reliability can be influenced by factors such as load capacity, operating speed, lubrication, maintenance practices, and application-specific requirements. Proper selection, installation, and maintenance are crucial to maximizing the reliability and longevity of ball screw systems.
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  • How do you know if a ball screw is bad?
    Jul 05, 2024
    Here are a few things to look for when determining if a ball screw is damaged or has issues: 1. Excessive backlash: Backlash refers to the gap or amount of play between the ball screw nut and the screw shaft. If there is a lot of backlash, it could be a sign of a worn or damaged ball screw assembly. 2. Unusual noise or vibration: If you notice unusual sounds, such as grinding or knocking, or experience excessive vibration during operation, it could be a symptom of a malfunctioning ball screw. These issues can stem from damaged balls, worn raceways, or misalignment. 3. Increased friction or drag: A damaged ball screw may exhibit increased friction, resulting in a higher torque required to move the load. It may manifest as jerky or uneven motion, decreased overall efficiency, or difficulty achieving precise positioning. 4. Reduced accuracy: Over time, ball screws wear, resulting in reduced positioning accuracy. If you notice persistent errors or deviations from the desired position, it could be a sign of a malfunctioning ball screw. 5. Visible damage or wear: Physically inspect the ball screw for any visible signs of damage, such as dents, scratches, or deformation. Any signs of excessive wear or deformation may indicate a problem. 6. Irregular ball movement or loss of preload: A damaged ball screw may show signs of irregular ball movement or loss of preload. If the balls lose proper alignment or preload is lost, the performance and reliability of the ball screw will be affected. It is important to note that diagnosing ball screw problems may require technical expertise or the help of a professional. If you suspect a problem with your ball screw, it is recommended to contact the manufacturer or a qualified technician for a detailed inspection and evaluation. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us.
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  • What are the issues of using a ball screw in large applications?
    Jun 28, 2024
    The following issues may arise when using ball screws in large applications: 1. Load and torque limitations: The load and torque bearing capacity of ball screws is limited. In large equipment applications, large loads and torques need to be borne, and ball screws may not be able to meet these requirements. This may lead to overload, deformation or damage to the ball screw. 2. Length limitation: Another important factor for ball screws is length. Longer ball screws are prone to deflection and vibration, which reduces the accuracy and stability of the system. In large applications, if longer strokes are required, other more suitable transmission methods may be required. 3. Accuracy and return error: The accuracy of ball screws is limited by factors such as thread processing and material quality. In large applications, if higher accuracy is required, other higher accuracy transmission methods may need to be considered. In addition, ball screws may have a certain return error when moving in reverse, which may affect the positioning accuracy of the system. 4. Maintenance and life: In large applications, ball screws are usually required to withstand large loads and working pressures, which may cause wear and fatigue of the ball screws. Maintenance and care of ball screws may require more frequent inspections and replacements to ensure system reliability and life. When selecting a transmission method, it is necessary to comprehensively consider factors such as application requirements, load, accuracy, axial stiffness and life, and evaluate whether the ball screw is suitable for a specific large application. In some cases, other transmission methods such as linear guides, gear transmissions or hydraulic transmissions may need to be considered to meet the requirements of large applications. If you have any other supplements, please contact us, and I will discuss the relevant issues together.
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  • How does a recirculating ball screw transmit linear movement
    Jun 13, 2024
    A recirculating ball screw is a mechanical component used to convert rotational motion into linear motion. It consists of a threaded shaft (screw) with balls that recirculate in a nut along the threaded shaft. The nut has internal grooves that match the thread profile of the screw. When the screw is rotated, the balls roll between the screw and nut, allowing the nut to move along the screw in a linear direction. The rolling contact between the balls and the screw thread enables smooth and efficient transmission of linear movement. The balls in a recirculating ball screw are typically made of hardened steel or other durable materials. They are held within the nut by an internal mechanism (such as a ball return system) that ensures the balls circulate back to the beginning of the nut after reaching the end. The lifetime of a ball screw depends on several factors, including the load applied, the speed of operation, the orientation (horizontal or vertical), and the maintenance and lubrication practices. In general, ball screws are known for their high durability and long service life. Proper lubrication and regular maintenance can help extend the lifetime of a ball screw.
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  • What is the lifetime of a ball screw
    Jun 05, 2024
    The lifetime of a ball screw, commonly referred to as the useful life or service, can vary depending on several factors such as the operating conditions, load, speed, lubrication, and maintenance. A properly designed, installed, and maintained ball screw can have a long service life. Ball screws are typically rated for a certain number of revolutions or travel distance before they reach the end of their useful. This rating is known as the fatigue life or L10 life. L10 life represents the point at which 90% of a population of ball screws would be expected to still be functioning without experiencing fatigue failure. The L10 life is influenced by various factors, including the dynamic load on the ball screw, the speed of operation, the type and quality of the ball screw assembly, the lubrication used, and the operating environment. Higher loads or faster speeds may reduce the L10 life, while proper lubrication and maintenance can extend it. It's important to note that the L10 life is an estimated value and not a guarantee. It is based on statistical calculations and assumes normal operating conditions. In practice, the actual lifetime of a ball screw can vary. Therefore, regular inspection, maintenance, and replacement of worn components are necessary to ensure reliable performance and prolong the life of the ball screw.
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  • What is ball screw and nut assembly in a CNC machine?
    May 29, 2024
    A ball screw and nut assembly is a mechanical component commonly used in CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines and other machinery. It is a type of linear motion system that converts rotational motion into linear motion. The assembly consists of two main components: the ball screw and the ball nut. The ball screw is a threaded rod with helical grooves, and the ball nut is a block-like component with matching helical grooves on its inner surface. The ball nut is mounted on the ball screw, and it contains a series of steel balls that recirculate within the grooves. When the ball screw is rotated, the balls inside the ball nut are pushed along the helical grooves, causing the nut to move linearly along the screw. This mechanism provides a smooth and efficient way to convert rotary motion into precise linear motion. The ball screw and nut assembly offers high accuracy, low friction, and high load-carrying capacity, making it suitable for CNC machines that require precise positioning and repeatability. In a CNC machine, the ball screw and nut assembly is typically used in the machine's motion control system, such as the axes that move the spindle, table, or cutting tool. It enables the machine to move with high precision and control, allowing for accurate machining operations.
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  • What is the preload of a ball screw bearing?
    May 28, 2024
    The preload of a ball screw bearing refers to the intentional application of a small axial force to eliminate any clearance between the rolling elements (balls) and the raceways of the bearing. This preload helps to minimize backlash and improve the positioning accuracy and stiffness of the ball screw system. The preload force is typically applied by using spring elements or by adjusting the bearing arrangement. The specific preload value depends on the application requirements, such as the desired rigidity, operating conditions, and load characteristics. Preload is usually specified as a percentage of the dynamic load rating (e.g., 2% of the dynamic load rating). However, it's important to note that the actual preload force might vary depending on factors like the manufacturer's recommendations, size and type of ball screw bearing, and the specific application requirements. It is recommended to consult the manufacturer's documentation or contact their technical support to obtain the specific preload values and guidelines for a particular ball screw bearing.
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